QA2020-158 - FMIR template

Atribute Detail
Resolution Reporting Subject Matter Taxonomy
Guidance Documents -
Taxonomy Filing-Rules
Unique Identifier



Guidance on the 2020 FMI. Section 3.4 T33.00-FMI services - Key metrics. For the following column: · c0070 - 0080 – Number of clients covered by omnibus accounts, number of clients covered by segregated accounts: The guidance states the following definition for filling this cell: Number of clients included in the different account types held by the reporting entity at the respective FMI for its clients (see c0040-0060 for a definition). Only report for CCPs and (I)CSDs. Please report in Units. Other cells contains further specifications for filling criteria, such as average year, during the year or closing year value. For this cell, the criteria to inform the number of clients should be during the year, average of the year or at closing date?


We agree with the proposed answer. Where the period is not indicated, it is per default 31/12 (closing date).