QA2018-76 - Validation rules T00.01 - T08.00

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Resolution Reporting Subject Matter Guidance
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Checking report improvement: in order to make the exchange of information between entity and Resolution Authority more effective and faster, an Excel checker could be included by the SRB, similar to the one used by the EBA in the stress tests exercises, which could allow entities to validate the consistency of the values included in the templates prior to reporting to the NRA / SRB.


For the 2018 collection the SRB has provided banks with 2 solutions, to be used in tandem, to facilitate the pre-validation of reports to be sent to NRAs. The first is an Excel-based tool which runs the mathematical checks contained in the XBRL validation rules. The second is the disclosure in the Guidance of the list of controls run both during the XBRL conversion as well as in the internal Business Intelligence tool used by the SRB to perform consistency check on granular data reported. Both solutions have been available on the SRB website since November 1st 2017.