QA2019-99 - Guidance

Atribute Detail
Resolution Reporting Subject Matter Guidance
Guidance Documents Intragroup-liabilities
Taxonomy -
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According to art. 44 (2e) BRRD, liabilities to institutions, excluding entities that are part of the same group, with an original maturity of less than seven days are exempted from the scope of the bail-in tool. The current guidance on liability data reporting requires the inclusion of institutions that are part of the group (“liabilities to institutions including entities that are part of the same group …”) in the respective row r0105 of template T01.00. Columns c0131 and c0132 ("of which intragroup") of this row are greyed out. As a consequence, it is not possible to report the amount excluded from bail in according to art. 44 (2e) BRRD. The reporting requirement is not in line with BRRD anymore. Could you pls. doublecheck the reporting requirement?


No intragroup should be included here. The guidance will be updated accordingly.